Nature doesn’t have Wi-Fi, but there’s always a better connection.
OK, it sounds cheesy and cliché, but you have to admit that we almost all go into nature when we try to escape the rush and stress of our daily life. And we rather not turn to nature by mowing the lawn on a loud tractor in a race against time.
So one day, the master of the house came home with the wild idea to keep some cows on that lawn. I’ve always had a weak spot for cows. And it always brings a smile to my face whenever I see a herd in sync and with curious eyes move their heads to check out the casual stroller as if their pasture was the green of Wimbledon. But keeping some of them on our lawn with the added bonus of stables that need to be mucked out? Thanks, but no thanks. Maybe you could find another hobby?
Not another hobby, then. And not just a cow, either. The hubby had done some research. We should keep Scottish Highlanders. The hubby was right.
There’s just not a bad side to these Highlanders. They look the part, they’re self-reliant, ooze zen and there’s just no park ranger or maintenance team that gets the job done like they do.
These glamorous beasts with their “just out of bed”-hair are worthy of nothing less than a super-coo status. Behind that beautiful and photogenic facade hides a versatile bruiser. Highland cows flourish where feebler cows can’t exist, live longer, produce leaner, healthier and tastier meat and have a friendlier temperament. In just a few seasons they recreate a wild forest into a balanced piece of nature.
“We should do something with this”. And so the story with our conservation grazers and nature reserve management began.
So where did the name come from? That’s easy, once you know it.
Highland cows are commonly found in the Highlands where several varieties of English are spoken. We first thought about Gaelic. But in Scottish Gaelic, Highland cattle is referred to as “Bò Ghàidhealach”. Now, try saying that with a mouth full of haggis.
Fortunately it’s easier to say in the old Scots language, the main language in the Highlands of Scotland. In Old Scots the highlander cow is called “Heilan coo“.
Oona, Philippe & Coo